
CyberReef Solutions secures ALL cellular data and protects against cyber-attacks. We offer solutions to gain control over your data usage. We are CIPA compliant to ensure the safety of our children using the internet at school and on buses.

Primary Services include:

  • Secure Bandwidth Manager
  • Kids Internet Defense Shield (KIDS)
  • Private Network PLUS

Breaches and cyber-attacks continue to escalate with no sign of slowing down. It’s not a question of IF your data will be compromised, it’s a question of WHEN!!! IoT devices, mobile devices; smartphones, tablets, etc. are all prime targets for malicious attacks. CyberReef’s Private Network Plus solution encrypts your internet traffic and hides your IP address to ensure the integrity of your data.

Social media accounts for 75% of the usage on wireless devices; much of it during work hours, leading to higher data usage and overage charges, as well as decreased employee productivity. CyberReef’s Secure Bandwidth Manager solution eliminates overages. Whether your employees are using a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or mobile office internet, we give YOU control of your data.

Most schools provide internet connected devices to students along with the freedom to surf the web for research and learning. Through CyberReef’s CIPA filtering, we protect them and ensure they only have access to age-appropriate websites.

We work with businesses of all sizes and industry segments. From construction, to health care, to tourism, to banking, we can, and will, guarantee that we’ll not only secure your data, but reduce your monthly data spend. No-one else in the industry makes this guarantee!

CyberReef’s MobileWall solution enables enterprise mobility transformation through secure, patented, cloud services. Providing end-to-end encryption over a secure, private mobile network, MobileWall gives users visibility and control of mobile data in one centralized location.

CyberReef Solutions Products and Services
