Skyriver Magnitude

We are a leading-edge millimeter wave (mmWave) broadband provider transforming broadband via technological ingenuity and inspiring customer insights. Our innovative approach stems from our mission to advance connectivity for data-driven businesses. Leveraging our expertise in wireless communications, our company is meeting the rapidly accelerating demand for enterprise-grade broadband through our pioneering developments in mmWave.

Skyriver Magnitude, the first mmWave broadband service of its kind, is powered by our proprietary 5G class PtMP technology. Our high capacity, low latency service exploits the expansive mmWave spectrum for unparalleled performance, agility and dependability. Transcending the inherent physical and economic limitations of fiber Internet, Skyriver Magnitude delivers a new found freedom in broadband connectivity.

The Skyriver Magnitude suite of broadband services include primary and redundant broadband service, Virtual Private Network (VPN), temporary Internet, and Event Bandwidth

Skyriver Products and Services
