Data Centers Services & Solutions Built for Business

WIN is a full service provider of wholesale and enterprise transport solutions and next generation IP solutions. We’ve become the premier network provider in the Midwest by providing responsive customer service supporting the most reliable, dense, and redundant transport systems available.


Since 1997

WIN has served the Upper Midwest with cutting-edge technology solutions. Small and medium businesses, large enterprises, and technology companies count on WIN to be their network, data center, and IT services partner. WIN is owned by 31 Wisconsin-based independent telephone companies.


Network First

A footprint of more than 6,000 miles, WIN’s fiber network is one of the region’s largest. Our fiber backbone is the foundation upon which we build every other service we offer. We were a network company first and continue to invest in new fiber construction, dark fiber leasing and purchasing, and peering agreements.


Engineered to Serve

Over the years, we’ve noticed a trend of other technology companies building a portfolio of services that looks great on paper but isn’t specifically geared toward their customers. We take a different approach. Our customers’ success is the end goal of our company. Each year, we take a hard look at the strategic objectives we want our fiber network, data center, and IT Managed Services to be for our customers, then strengthen our design.


Tailored to Fit

Bigger doesn’t always mean better. Where a national carrier may have a huge footprint, WIN has the chance to be more agile. Where you’re often pressed with “prepackaged products” and “one-size-fits-all solutions,” WIN builds services from the ground up. You won’t be shown a product list and told to pick one. We begin every relationship with a discussion of your business and what the next one, three, and five years may look like. The more we understand how the world looks from your vantage point, the better we can serve you.

WIN Network Map

WIN Products and Services
