Prodoscore™ is a software solution that measures your most valuable asset: your people.


Our mission is to provide never before seen visibility into employee engagement, rooted in data and digestible in seconds, to support a flexible work environment and ensure accountability.


Prodoscore surfaces insights that keep you better informed and better prepared because a lack of visibility can only lead to bad outcomes for your business.


Using Machine Learning, AI, & Natural Language Processing, we measure thousands of daily activity points across your core business applications to provide productivity intelligence. Our proprietary scoring system produces key indicators, so leaders can make well-informed decisions, rooted in data.


Our complex machine learning algorithms output a single score, making it easy for you to digest opportunities quickly. Long gone are the days of sifting through multiple reports and having difficult conversations to identify problem areas.


We want to be at the center of workplace decision-making by providing exceptional productivity intelligence that generates actionable insights for leadership.

We empower teams to be more effective and productive by providing visibility into daily activity in the form of a simple score. Combining Machine Learning, AI, & Natural Language Processing our proprietary scoring tool generates insights based on usage of key business tools that create immediate opportunities for improvement.

Prodoscore Products and Services
