
VXSuite sets the standard for Live Voice Management of all your unified communications. Live Voice Management is the practice of viewing and managing the entire communication ecosystem with a focus on end-user service availability. The VXSuite modules provide actionable business intelligence on how to define, design, integrate, optimize, and manage the technologies that make up your ecosystem as well as monitor and support each customer’s unique configuration.


Why Choose VXSuite?

There are many network monitoring products on the market. VXSuite is different. The other tools ask “is the network performing?” VXSuite asks, “How is network performance affecting the end-user voice quality experience?.”  While VXSuite matches feature-for-feature with the other network monitoring tools, the network monitoring and call analytics is always filtered through the lens of voice quality. A network can perform as specified and still result in a poor user experience.


To protect the end-user experience, you need network monitoring, call analytics, and mobility tools specifically designed to set benchmarks for network performance. These tools should alert, alarm, and report if the network performance is not meeting those thresholds. Proactive monitoring of network routers, switches, firewalls, servers, WiFi routers, PBXs, and carrier circuits helps ensure a great user quality of experience and helps identify problems before they become systemic failures.


Modules include:

VXTracker – IP and TDM phone system monitoring and reporting

VXTracker with ACD/workgroup – Reporting for call center reporting

VXMobile – Cell Phone monitoring and analysis

VXLegalTrack – Billable time reporting for the legal professional

VXPulse – Network and device monitoring.



VXTracker’s modular approach allows customers or dealers to address whichever areas are most important to them or have the highest risk, and it allows customers to move toward true live voice management one step at a time or at whatever pace budgets, training, discipline, needs and understanding allow.

VXSuite Features
